Please click on our names to get in contact with us.
Jeremy Spink President
Chris McCullough Vice-President
Tina Chadwick Secretary
Jodie Park Treasurer
Emma Holota Newsletter and Northeast Rep
Victoria Holota Newsletter and North Rep
Jeremy Clevette Webpage and Central Rep
Tom Stones Conference Chair and Past president
Chris McCullough Past President and Conference Chair
Landan Stones Central Rep
Mike Edwards North Central Rep
Shawna Cunha Calgary Rep
Marissa Gillespie Calgary Rep
Kelly Drury Laffin Edmonton Rep
Pat Adams Central South Rep
Errin Nelson South East Rep
Jeremy Spink President
Chris McCullough Vice-President
Tina Chadwick Secretary
Jodie Park Treasurer
Emma Holota Newsletter and Northeast Rep
Victoria Holota Newsletter and North Rep
Jeremy Clevette Webpage and Central Rep
Tom Stones Conference Chair and Past president
Chris McCullough Past President and Conference Chair
Landan Stones Central Rep
Mike Edwards North Central Rep
Shawna Cunha Calgary Rep
Marissa Gillespie Calgary Rep
Kelly Drury Laffin Edmonton Rep
Pat Adams Central South Rep
Errin Nelson South East Rep